Ode To Quarantine, A Reverse Poem by Madeline Blakeslee —Grade 6
do you really want to
spread the sick
stay home
go to the gatherings
go six feet that way
you will never hear me say
come closer
all and any touching will end today
I refuse to say that
I promise I will share
can you spare a square
I need toilet paper
I really have to go
going to the store is risky
I refuse to believe that
it is safe
experts say
germs are inevitable, and some are even helpful
I do not agree with that
eating off the floor does not boost the immune system and it never will
it will always be true that it just isn't required
safety shouldn’t be so controversial
it is the most important thing ever
is thoroughly unneeded
is the right thing to do
getting out and about
it’s obviously just plain wrong
and anyone who says to stay put is right
everyone should socially distance
how can people believe that
this doesn't even matter
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